A Vision's Thoughts

Saturday 9 April 2016

The Prison Of My Soul

"The essential lesson I've learned in life is to just be yourself. Treasure the magnificent being that you are and recognize first and foremost you're not here as a human being only. You're a spiritual being having a human experience."  [Wayne Dyer]
Our lives don't run parallel to one another. Those around us, in our lives, are not there to make the human journey what it is, but to somewhat keep us sane of the fact that each of us are all alone on our own separate human journeys. Our masks, titles and impressions are all but a stage act to those who make our social life, who we truly are is locked away in a prison in our soul, hidden from the world. Selfish and constantly thrown with the idea that we need to be better then someone, better than a "particular" group; we are driven to conformity forgetting who we truly are.

Locked away, kept hostage and cast into darkness is our true selves. How hash can we be, to neglect the most honest part, most loyal, most true identity we all have. Living day to day, as an actor in the world's stage while crying out from the darkness is our true beauty. Tears running down from the sight of constantly pushing ourselves to the floor for the entertainment of others. We in a continuous battle with our identity that the smallest comment of others seem to make us fall on our individual path. Our journey is different, our prisoners the same. The fear that our ultimate self is not good enough for the stage has lead to our disconnect. The human journey, it's beauty, it's smile and it's affection all brought down to rubble.

Cast down in isolation, craving the voice of the prisoner I keep deep in my soul, feeling the warmth of his hand stretching out to me. His tear filled eyes trying to persuade me that he still lives, that he still cares. I shut him away, turn my head aside and make my way back to the life's stage for my next big performance. The humility and forgiveness he has becomes only a silhouette to me. My true self, locked away in the prison of  my soul. I have seen that no matter what I do to please other, no matter what I say to show others who I am will change the path of their journey. Even if my efforts lead to my hand filled with wounds, I will never get the same effort in return from those around me. The only person who knows, who feels and sees me for all that I am and chose to be is that prisoner of my soul.

It is only through unlocking the prison gate, breaking the chains and embracing him with love that he walks the human journey with me, he performs on life's stage alongside me. He smiles and reminds me that I am not alone on this path, but that he is there to pick me up, hold me close and encourage me to keep moving forward. The prisoner is no longer chained but his freedom has became my greatest sacrifice.

As we free our true selves, as the war within us quietens and our darkest night fades. We hear the sound of the birds chirping again, we feel the warm kiss of the sun on our cheeks and smell the fragrance of joy, passion and love in the air. Happiness has once again arrived and the ruins of the prison in our souls is now covered in green and forgotten.

Sunday 14 February 2016

We Are Limitless Through Humility

"If I were to tell you that your life is already perfect, whole and complete just as it is, you would think I was crazy. Nobody believes his or life is perfect. And yet there is something within each of us that basically knows we are boundless, limitless..."
[Joko Beck]

Society has gained this mentality throughout the ages that the world we live in is filled with limits and our mission on earth is to expand these limits, yet, the limits we deem to be real is only but a figure of our imagination, our limits are set by ourselves and to conquer them, one needs to conquer the self within us.

You can only go as far as you set your mind to, all that you have achieved thus far is the creation of how your thoughts and determination have led you and likewise you are able to unlock your future goals from allowing your mind to go beyond the sense of reality you live within your mind. You in actual fact deserve all that you set your mind towards, the only thing holding you back is yourself.It is what we do that defines us, how we view the aspect of lack and our ability to envision that lack being made full.

Imagination is powerful and many people seem to be scared of it. They are haunted by the assumption that imagining is childish, irrelevant and somehow cast it into a mind-box labeled “Don’t Bother, Pointless Contents”, but it is the power of imagining that allows us to be truly limitless. We gain a sense of freedom when we allow our imagination to run free and all that seems impossible is possible. We are so hard on ourselves each and every day that we never allow ourselves to move away from our fears.

We all have those moments in our lives where we feel as though we are of no worth as if we are just not good enough. We are angered by the thought that all good is coming to those around us and not to ourselves. We accept that life is just unfair and favors a select few of individuals who got it all in order, this sense of self-pride and jealousy is what we place on ourselves that pushes us further away from all that we truly want in life. 

When we embrace the achievements of others and celebrate instead of envy, we unlock one of the greatest values one can have, humility...opportunities will more likely come to those who are firstly content and grateful with who they are and what they have. When we humble ourselves, serve others and appreciate those around us, we expand the barriers set by ourselves.

I personally learnt this concept the hard way, I looked around daily, with the assumption that everyone else's aspirations were being achieved, where I thought I worked hard for enough for. I was filled with this sense of pride, when I failed I blamed it on the next person and never took the time to do self-introspection and seek the humility I needed to move on, it was only later in life when I realised that through helping others we help ourselves. Working with youth and people who are less fortunate, I found that peace and humility. I found that I valued and appreciated the efforts others put into achieving their goals and their determination led to inspiring me to keep moving forward.

The interesting and sometimes humorous thing about purpose and faith is that we never know what is instore for us or coming down the line, which makes life even more tangible and real, if all things are going well and no challenges are coming your way, then you most probably in the wrong lane of life. Ultimately we can only go as far as we let ourselves go. In all things we need to give credit to faith and its purpose. Never blame not getting a opportunity on faith, rather use the power of imagination and expect greater, because greater is in store, remember you are limitless...

Sunday 4 October 2015

Shall I Compare Thee To A Spring's Apple Tree?

"We cannot stop the winter or the summer from coming. We cannot stop the spring or the fall or make them other than they are. They are gifts from the universe that we cannot refuse. But we can choose what we will contribute to life when each arrives."
[Gary Zukav]

If I should compare myself to anything I would see myself as a Apple Tree, specifically a Apple Tree in the midst of Spring, it's just something about the sight of spring that makes you smile and feel warmth in your heart. I have seen many winters where I have felt desolate in frustration, I am not the most patient of people but I have realized that it is only through having patience that I will be able to grow. I started of as a seedling with my roots deep in fertile soil. I grew up in a moral based family, my dad being a pastor with strong beliefs in bending the tree while its still young, but the with good soil comes the expectation of good fruit trees too. As I grew from a seedling to growing a bark I have seen many who have been cut and broken some who grew to fast and some who have just been planted on near gravel and there soil filled with rock.

I have always been watched on, coming out of a pastoral clergy family, I have always had that “reputation” to uphold and increased responsibility to beware of my actions in the community. I have been judged in many instances for things that the average teenager would do, but these morals have somewhat molded me into the person I am today.

I always try to do my best in everything I do, I fear failure just as an axe to a tree for firewood. These were my winters at times, but independence to let my branches grew as they wish has always been a liberating feeling of freedom, like the feel of the spring time rain, it brought the nutrients I needed to make my own choices and follow my own ideas and dreams. My love for exploring new sights, vibrant cultures, as the beautiful colors of spring.

I have moved away from looking to take the common way and gained a sense of tolerance,  in finding peace in difference. The most beautiful of things I chose not to see in complexity but in the simple form that it is, this action is what consumed my fears and sorrows, just like the Apple Tree, it beauty is in its process of change and letting go to become purposeful.

Just as the Apple Tree in spring, my personality is like the white and pink blossoms, I take pride in showing gratitude, for the blessing bestowed to me...my waving leafs are filled with thankfulness, happiness and joy. Through every gust of wind that might pass me by, I take in what is good for me. The honey-bee pollinating my blossoms, they nurture my soul reminding me of my purpose. Rejecting all the attempts of bugs and pests, as they seek to destroy my mutual relationship with my gold and black striped friends With the sight of hope in each bud for a new generation of fruit, each bud as my growth of my skills.

My future as bright as the spring sunshine, the clouds-my dreams, giving a new light and vision to reach for the sky, like an apple tree with a dream to feed a nation. I lift up my eyes to heavens, I continue to grow and take in all that has expanded my mind as I pass through the seasons of life.

Monday 13 May 2013

Introduction to "The Vision's Journey"

Nathan Swartz; Ennerdale,South Africa; agentnates@gmail.com; The Vision's Journey

"Success begins with a thought, but is impossible without a vision..."

This has been a personal motto of mine.

I believe that if we are able to inspire ourselves, we are able to do more, become more and achieve more.
I come from an ordinary background, I have ordinary parents, I am from an ordinary school with ordinary friends. The extraordinary is derived from my dreams, my goals and sometimes: my deepest of thoughts.

Our minds too can at times be a battlefield: however the war is not with the world but within ourselves.We all have seemingly different lives, with different backgrounds and lifestyles. We each have our own goals; added to them are unique obstacles that we need to overcome in order to achieve these goals. If used effectively the mind has the potential to become the most potent engine to achieve success.This aspect is what makes us unique: the ability to analyse and make choices can be seen as a key point in reaching our success,we all have thoughts that can become reality.

My thoughts are like engines firing up with the ideas sparking in my mind. Exactly how these thoughts are birthed; I am not sure, however, to those who invest the time to get to know who I am- it is intriguing, and this is often what gets them thinking too.

I have developed a passion to seek deeper truths. I can no longer accept anything at face value.  The more I think, the more I grow and because of this my interests are vast and any task set out before me I can no longer lightly entertain instead I execute them through profound thought. I aspire to accomplish all the dreams I have envisioned and in-turn inspiring others to do the same.

These are the things that I believe,that sets me apart from the ordinary; they make me unique and give me the ability to set “my vision” to conquer all obstacles holding me back from my destination. This is success.

“Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements”
[Napoleon Hill]

We are only able to succeed if we set the right vision for ourselves. We may have all our dreams thought out: this begs the question: “can a journey be taken without a vision?” and “can this journey ever be completed, if we don’t put the vision into action and take the first step?”

My interpretation regarding my motto: Success begins with a thought, but is impossible without a vision...”

We can break it down and say:
Ø  Success: Our destination and what we want to achieve, and as a matter of fact everybody dreams of success no matter how advantaged or disadvantaged we categorize ourselves as being.
Ø  Begins: The spark needed for an eternal flame which is symbolic to success, our destination.
Ø  Thought: As soon as we start to dream and think of success we have placed ourselves in the position to achieve it already, we take the first step of the journey.
Ø  Impossible: Somethings limit our success and these are the obstacles that hold us back from the loads of opportunities the world has to offer, they restrict us from reaching our destination.
Ø  Vision: Thought is powerful but thought alone can’t bring us our success, it's unreachable if we don’t have a vision to follow, and without action our thoughts instantly lose their power and become meaningless in our aim to accomplish success.

Thoughts are the fundamental steps, the starting point towards our destination
(success): however our life vision,thought is what truly should be the concept keeps us going to conquer all obstacles and situations through this journey we see as life…

I am Nathan Edward Swartz, and this is my vision, my journey, I am the vision and this is “The Vision’s Journey.”

“The journey of a thousand kilometers starts with one step…”