A Vision's Thoughts

Sunday 4 October 2015

Shall I Compare Thee To A Spring's Apple Tree?

"We cannot stop the winter or the summer from coming. We cannot stop the spring or the fall or make them other than they are. They are gifts from the universe that we cannot refuse. But we can choose what we will contribute to life when each arrives."
[Gary Zukav]

If I should compare myself to anything I would see myself as a Apple Tree, specifically a Apple Tree in the midst of Spring, it's just something about the sight of spring that makes you smile and feel warmth in your heart. I have seen many winters where I have felt desolate in frustration, I am not the most patient of people but I have realized that it is only through having patience that I will be able to grow. I started of as a seedling with my roots deep in fertile soil. I grew up in a moral based family, my dad being a pastor with strong beliefs in bending the tree while its still young, but the with good soil comes the expectation of good fruit trees too. As I grew from a seedling to growing a bark I have seen many who have been cut and broken some who grew to fast and some who have just been planted on near gravel and there soil filled with rock.

I have always been watched on, coming out of a pastoral clergy family, I have always had that “reputation” to uphold and increased responsibility to beware of my actions in the community. I have been judged in many instances for things that the average teenager would do, but these morals have somewhat molded me into the person I am today.

I always try to do my best in everything I do, I fear failure just as an axe to a tree for firewood. These were my winters at times, but independence to let my branches grew as they wish has always been a liberating feeling of freedom, like the feel of the spring time rain, it brought the nutrients I needed to make my own choices and follow my own ideas and dreams. My love for exploring new sights, vibrant cultures, as the beautiful colors of spring.

I have moved away from looking to take the common way and gained a sense of tolerance,  in finding peace in difference. The most beautiful of things I chose not to see in complexity but in the simple form that it is, this action is what consumed my fears and sorrows, just like the Apple Tree, it beauty is in its process of change and letting go to become purposeful.

Just as the Apple Tree in spring, my personality is like the white and pink blossoms, I take pride in showing gratitude, for the blessing bestowed to me...my waving leafs are filled with thankfulness, happiness and joy. Through every gust of wind that might pass me by, I take in what is good for me. The honey-bee pollinating my blossoms, they nurture my soul reminding me of my purpose. Rejecting all the attempts of bugs and pests, as they seek to destroy my mutual relationship with my gold and black striped friends With the sight of hope in each bud for a new generation of fruit, each bud as my growth of my skills.

My future as bright as the spring sunshine, the clouds-my dreams, giving a new light and vision to reach for the sky, like an apple tree with a dream to feed a nation. I lift up my eyes to heavens, I continue to grow and take in all that has expanded my mind as I pass through the seasons of life.